The Sycamore Greenway Trail was one part of the larger South Sycamore Regional Storm Water and Greenspace Project from 1993 to 2003 for the City of Iowa City. The project included land acquisition, sanitary sewer extension, stormwater drainage-way and wetland grading, native prairie and wetland seeding, trail construction and landscaping.
The Greenway Trail project con-structed in 2002 was designed as an open drainage-way to capture and treat an entire watershed (600 acres) in southeast Iowa City.
The 3.5 miles of asphalt trail ran parallel to the drainage-way. Adjacent sidewalks were incorporated to connect outlying subdivisions to the city and connect the Iowa City Kicker’s Soccer Park to Grant Wood Elementary – while providing users a chance to connect with the natural environment.
Trail users enjoy design elements such as a rolling, curvy trail alignment, overlook areas, low water cross-ings and more than 750 hardy native trees and shrubs integrated with native prairie restoration throughout the green space.
MMS Consultants, Inc. was involved in all stages of the $2.6 million South Sycamore Regional Storm Water and Greenspace Project, including concept, planning, topo-graphic survey, land and easement platting, construc-tion documents, bidding, construction, layout staking, inspection and as-builts.
MMS assisted the Iowa City Public Works Department to prepare a $750,000 budget for the trail and land-scaping, and a 90-day work schedule for trail construction. Landscaping was completed the following spring.