Solomon's Entertainment District

# Family Entertainment Center, North Liberty


Lion Development & Ben Hur Construction

Work Performed
Civil Engineering
CAD Documents
Construction Documents
Construction Management
Construction Staking
Landscape Architecture
Permitting & Approvals
Site Design

Solomon’s Entertainment District, slated to open its doors in summer 2024, will feature North Liberty’s newest family entertainment center. Located on West Penn Street, the site will feature The Palestra (a multi-court basketball and volleyball center), Bowldog’s (a bowling alley with a bar and grill), and a new Pizza Ranch and FunZone arcade location. 

Designated pedestrian crossing was required between the buildings throughout the subdivision. MMS worked with the contractor and the city to provide a layout, grading, and material recommendations to meet the city’s requests while keeping the solution cost effective. The solution includes colored concrete, lighted bollards, and a special pavement jointing pattern to delineate the pedestrian path from the drive aisles.

The building requires large HVAC units that are along Saratoga Place (to the west). MMS’s landscape architects provided guidance on how to provide adequate screening from the right-of-way at the time it opens instead of in five years when vegetation has filled in.

Solomons Groundbreaking Cropped.jpg